London is today recovering from the third and most destructive night of violence yet across the capital. The rioting, beginning on Friday in Tottenham following a peaceful protest after the shooting of local man Mark Duggam. Copy-cat activity started almost immediately across London as many youths saw the opportunity to wreak havoc and loot local businesses. The violence and destruction then continued over the next two nights, and has been starting earlier and earlier in the day, with many employers across London sending people home early from work to insure the safety of employees. But can this widespread violence, now being seen in cities outside of the capital, really just be put down to a degenerate few. It would seem that we are in the midst of a social breakdown, unhelped by the high unemployment rate and increasing poverty across the country as the financial crisis is now thought to lead to a double-dip recession.
There is no doubt that the people taking to the streets are from poor backgrounds. The recent impact of cuts in local council funds to general effects of a global recession such as the price of fuel skyrocketing and energy prices going up considerably have all affected the household budgets, incomes and even benefits in recent months. The growing tension between the poorer and the richer population has been on the up, with the richest 10% of the population in the UK now earning 100 times what the poorest equivalents live on.
Although these social problems in no way excuse the violence and criminality being seen on the street of London from Enfield to Ealing, the problems undoubtedly run deeper than just a bunch of greedy kids.
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