27 November 2009

New Commodity to Invest

Thinking of entering the exciting world of investment trading? Which areas interest you - perhaps foreign exchange, or precious gemstones? Speculating your game - maybe CFD trading? What about trading commodities on the Futures market?

Ever thought about garlic?

Perhaps surprisingly, garlic is being tipped as the newest commodity to invest in. Why? Over three quarters of the world's garlic is produced in China, where the price has risen up to 40-fold since March this year.

The reason has been cited as speculators who bought unripe garlic crops and stored them in anticipation of a price boom. Some believe that the vegetable has become so popular there because the Chinese believe it has healing qualities and could ward off swine flu. Indeed, one school ordered sackloads of it and pupils must eat quantities of it to prevent infection.

So, in case you are looking for new places to invest - why not?

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